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h1Klingon Transcript Download/h1
pFor copyright reasons you must own a copy of Marc Okrand’s book iThe
Klingon Dictionary/i to access this document. To certify that this is the
case, please enter the specified word from the main text of TKD below.
div align=center form method=post action="" h3TKD, section 6.4, paragraph 1, line 2, word 2/h3 input type=hidden name=file value="1992-10-01-ck.txt" input type=hidden name=question value="TKD_6x4_1_2_2" input name=answer placeholder="Enter word…" autofocus button type=submitReply/button /form /div
pWhen counting paragraphs, start after section title, skip Klingon example
phrases. Hyphenated words counts as one. Half word at beginning of line
counts. iCase counts./i /div